26th of March 2023
We are surrounded by nothing but love and support and
I couldn't be happier
Three years ago I met a woman at my job who made me feel feelings I've never felt before. A year and three months ago I asked that woman to marry me. Three years is a long enough time to go through some pretty major events: getting COVID, changing jobs, breaking my ankle, avoiding getting scammed into buying a time share and of course planning a wedding. I vow to love you as the woman you are today, the wife you'll be tomorrow and the mother you may become in the future.


You know when to comfort me and you know when to give me space but eventually, without fail, you always talk me down. You touch your forehead to mine and say: 'Come back to me.' And I always do. I used to think I was hard to love until you made it seem so easy. I can't wait to call you my husband and I'm sure you'll be the best partner and father to our future family. I will love you until my lungs give out, until my heart stops beating and for an eternity after that.
By the power vested in me by the state of Maryland and by your love and commitment I now pronounce you Man and Wife.

You may kiss
To the beautiful couple Mr and Mrs Sherman, congratulations!

May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy
Roman Marakhtanov
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